Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 11 - New Meal Plan!

Sunday was great it was another day off from exercising for me but I kept moving all day and got a lot accomplished. I was excited to go to the grocery store and buy everything I needed for the meal plan this week! Aimee has created meal plans that are interesting, delicious and easy to prepare. She also has everything you needed on a grocery list - all ready to take to the store. If you'd like to learn more about the meal plans you can contact her at she also has meal plans for those with an intolerance and can customize a meal plan for you!

Today is Monday and I went to the 9am boot camp, as always it was great. It was really busy today but you really didn't notice it when we were at our stations. Even with lots of people - Aimee can still organize a really great workout!

I decided to prepare some of the foods I need for the week. I read a tip in Oxygen magazine that suggested preparing your proteins for the week all at one time. That way if you need to grab some chicken for a salad all you have to do is chop it up. My lunch is packed for tomorrow and I am feeling organized for the week!

OH and I stepped on the scale today - down to 204 lbs!!! That's a total of 13 lbs that I lost on the 2 week detox. I'm amazed and I think I'm going to surpass my goal of 20lbs by the end of this 30 day challenge - however I have to keep telling myself not to expect big numbers each week because soon I should only be losing 1-2 lbs a week.


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