Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 26 - A nice surprise!

Well I was starting to have doubts that I would reach my first goal of 20lbs - but I did it!!! Yesterday I stepped on the scale at the doctor's office and was told I was 196.5 lbs!! I couldn't help myself, I said to the nurse - YAY I've lost 20 lbs!!!!

This morning I was late for class eeeek! I felt really bad, but I just was not organized this morning. Even though I was up at 5:30am and only live a couple minutes away - I still wasn't able to get organized. It helps when everything is set out in the evening then I can be a zombie and just put everything on and grab my lunch.

Only a few more days - I'm hoping to maybe get another pound off!!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 25 - Triple A!!

Andrea+Abs+Ass = 1 great workout!!

Today I went to the 5:15pm class which is Abs & Ass... it was awesome!!

There wasn't so much cardio which was a nice change. I think it's good to mix it up with cardio and strength training instead of just focusing on one or the other. I'm not a trainer though - but it sounds right to me!

All the ladies there tonight were trying really hard - and I find that really encouraging. It helps me to try and push myself harder too!

Next class is Saturday morning!! Also this weekend we'll have a booth at the Busy Women's Express Shop on Saturday (Rutland) and Car Free Day (Downtown) on Sunday!! Hope you can come say hi!!

~ Candace

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 23 - Happy Drugs

"Exercise creates endorphins, endorphins make you happy! Happy people just don't kill their husbands." ~ Elle from Legally Blonde

Today I was so grumpy and feeling down. I went home, snarfed down 5 Oreos and vegged out on the couch. Then my husband came home and made me go to bootcamp - lol - well he encouraged me. And I am glad that I did or else he may have had to deal with a grumpy wife all night!

I ate well during the day so I think my workout probably just was cancelled out by the Oreos - oh well. At least I went right! And I feel so much better!

Really encouraged about all the people that are coming to bootcamp now! There were so many people signed up for the transformation that Aimee has already created another one for October!! So if you want to take part in the next transformation - let us know as soon as you can!

Email info@cross-train.ca for more information!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 22 - Motivated!

WOW there were so many people at class today! It was awesome - the energy was great and even though we were a full class, we still got a great workout! A new transformation has begun and it has inspired me to keep pushing hard.

I am only 5 lbs away from my goal of 20 lbs in 30 days of bootcamp. Not sure if I will make it but I am going to try! It has been a learning experience - the first half was great and the second half I've been slacking off for sure. Need to find a happy medium, stick to my goals and work out schedule!

How do you stay motivated?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 21 - Wednesday Arms

owwwie! My arms were burnin' after that class! Speaking of arms - yes I can definitely see a transformation in my arms. They are becoming much more toned and there my flabby 'wings' are almost gone! WHOOHOO!

Today we did 3 sprints around both buildings and I could totally see a difference there too. I've started jogging with my husband and I can now run for a farther distance without stopping.

I heard a great tip today that I'm going to try out. Try breathing out when your left foot hits the ground instead of when your right foot hits the ground. Apparently this is supposed to help with 'stitches'. Whether it's true or not I don't know, but I guess we'll find out!

Here's the full story:

If you're like most people, when you run, you exhale as your right foot hits the ground. This puts downward pressure on your liver (which lives on your right side), which then tugs at the diaphragm and creates a side stitch, according to The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Men. The fix: Exhale as your left foot strikes the ground.

Speaking of running - there are still a couple spots left in the Run Clinic! $69 + HST ... email info@cross-train.ca

Have a Fantastic Day!


Day 20 - Back in the swing of things

It's really hard to get back into the swing of things once you break your routine - so what did I learn? I can't break my routine!

Class was great - we had an interesting circuit - again, I love that its something new everytime. Keeps things interesting!

This last weekend I had a ball tournament - 4 games in 3 days (we lost our game on Sunday or else it could have been more!). My calves were killing me by the end of it - have to work on those some more at bootcamp! But I have really noticed that boot camp has helped my playing ability. Can't wait for next year!

Found out that we have more than enough people entered for the next Transformation Challenge which is awesome!! It's so inspiring to see the changes that people make during this challenge. You should think about signing up for the next one! We've already starting a wait list for the next challenge. So email us at info@cross-train.ca


Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 19 - Labor Day Pains

My legs are killing me!!! I thought Saturday was a good workout but Sunday and today have proved it - my legs haven't hurt this bad in awhile from exercise. Not sure if I worked new muscles or just worked them harder than normal.

I almost contemplated missing boot camp today so that I could rest them up, but then I thought - well if there is something I really can't do then I'll modify it somehow. Luckily we did a lot of arm exercises today so that was perfect! There were a couple lunges that tested me, but I just didn't push as hard on those ones today.

After boot camp I went home and got ready for work and made myself a protein shake. Didn't have time to stop and step on the scale today at the studio (we were outside the whole time), so I'll have do the weigh in tomorrow.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 18 - Just keep going!

So this week has been a little tough - Wednesday I was super busy all day and couldn't make it to any of the classes... Also, Thursday & Friday I wasn't feeling well. This is 30 days of boot camp so those days don't count and it will extend the end day by a few days but that's ok.

Today is Saturday and I'm feeling pumped - have the day off so I went to 9am bootcamp with Andrea which was full of lots of cardio and leg work. After a great workout I went to the Farmer's Market which was insanley busy - but there was tons of great stuff.

Tomorrow I can't take another rest day so I'm going to go for a 5k run/walk before work. There is this Ap that you can get called C25K (Couch to 5 k) which is supposed to help you with your run training as well so I'm going to test that out tomorrow and see how it goes!

I'm very worried about this week and the weigh in - but at the same time, I can't dwell on it and just need to keep going. Also, if you haven't tried www.myfitnesspal.com I higly recommend it! It has really helped me to be aware of what I am eating and to stay within my goals.

Monday there is only 1 class since it's a holiday so should be a big one! See you there at 9am!!


Day 17 - Tuesday

Attended 345pm bootcamp today, it was awesome of course! I also signed up for Andrea's Run Clinic today which I believe starts on the 15th! This should be good - if you want to learn to run and be able to run a 5k in 8 weeks then check it out! I've bever done a running clinic so I think it's going to be really helpful. Sometimes I find when I run on my own I get discouraged and don't want to go again.

If you'd like to learn more about the Run Clinic contact Andrea at info@cross-train.ca!!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 16 - Monday Butt-Kick

The dreaded day has come, stepped on the scale and I was actually up less than 1 lb. I know why - too many cheats (movie theatre popcorn 2 times and coors light)!

I think overall my week was ok for maintaining your weight and a healthy lifestyle, but it wasn't a weight loss-minded week (obviously).

So, this morning I got my butt kicked by Aimee. Cardio burn... we played a FUN game where we were in 2 groups and had to do 5 rounds of moves using the - not sure what it's called? - ladder on the ground? The winners had to do some 'easy' cardio while the losers had to do a bit harder cardio. Death - I had the worst cramp ever and was out of breath for more of the class, but I survived and like Aimee said - it definitely pushed me past my comfort zone.

The plan for this week is to stick to the meal plans and work hard in boot camp 5 days this week. I will also be doing my 5k training this week and so I plan to do 2k this Friday (did 1 mile last Friday which is 1.6 km). Also a friend of mine suggested that I do the whole 5km walk/run to see how long it takes and take note of how long I run and how long I walk it (so I can create goals off of that), so I might do that sometime this week too!

Next week my goal is to weigh in 1-2 lbs lighter!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 15 - 1 mile!

Friday I went for that run around the Apple Bowl with my coworkers. I managed to do 4 laps without stopping (1 mile). However on the 5Th lap my calves were killing me so I had to stop and stretch. Overall I'm really happy with what I did because I wasn't expecting to be able to do 1 lap. I didn't realise how well my cardio has gotten until now - thanks to boot camp!

The plan is to add more and more until I can do the whole 5k by October 2ND. It is awesome that 3 of my co-workers went with me and also challenged themselves. 1 of them was able to do the whole 5k so she is going to be a big help with my training!

I'm not feeling the weight loss that I did the first couple weeks and I'm trying not to worry about it. Again 1-2 lbs a week is going to be a good goal and I have to be prepared to be happy with that. I am scared that I won't lose anything this week because I cheated twice. I was still inside of my daily recommended calorie intake - but I think it also matters what type of calories you are putting in. I guess we'll see what the scale says on Monday!

I've decided to also participate in the Run Clinic that Andrea is offering - I think that will help me prepare for the Run for the Cure even more. This is going to be an 8 week class and you can book it now for only $49!!! Must book before the 3rd to get this price. Please email info@cross-train.ca to sign up. I believe the class will be Wednesdays around 7pm (depending on the schedules of those who sign up).



Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 14 - Run for the Cure

What is with Thursdays? Every Thursday since the start of this challenge I have woken up tired. I was late for boot camp this morning because I almost wasn't going to go - telling myself that I'll make it up tomorrow. Well eventually I did get out of bed and went to class - yes it was worth it! I'm glad that I went after all but I'm still tired.

Friday there is no boot camp so I could rest that day - but I made the mistake of telling my co-workers that I'm planning on running the 5km at the Run for the Cure on October 2nd. So they are going to take me on a run. I figure if I can add 1 km each week to my run then I will be ok for the 2nd - let's see how that goes!

If you would like to challenge yourself and also help a great cause, then join our team! Here is the link, Click HERE ---- Support us with a donation or join the team!!!

Date: October 2nd, 2011
Time: 9:30am
Location:City Park, 1600 Abbott St., Kelowna

You can choose to Run/Walk 5 or 1 km! Any questions? info@cross-train.ca


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 13 - Treats

Last night we went to see Captain America which was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be! I really wanted popcorn at the movie theatre so we got a large bag (uh-oh). My husband and I were both eating it and at 1/2 a bag I was stuffed!! So I didn't eat anymore - I gave in to my temptation but I was able to only eat a bit of it so I really don't feel bad for doing it.. phew! My biggest fear right now is that I'm going to give into a temptation and then just go bonkers and sabotage this challenge.

This morning I went to the 6am class again, and it was lovely Andrea instructing again. I think she was on a mission to make our arms ripped because by the end of class I was done. Not sure how many FULL burpees we did all together but if I had to guess I would say at least 200 lol - along with tons of other arm busting exercises!

I'm still doing really good on the meal plan. I have to make my lunch the night before and then also know what is for breakfast. I tend to be in a daze for the first part of the morning so knowing what I need to do helps. This week I've been getting up at 5:15am to get ready for the 6am class and the rest of my day - and it's really not as bad as I made it to be in my head!!!

I heard that there are already 10 people signed up for the Transformation Challenge that is starting September 15th. That means there are only a couple spots left so if you would like to join for a chance to win CASH, other prizes and most importantly - jumpstart healthy changes in your life, then email info@cross-train.ca

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 12 - Amazing Andrea!

Tuesday morning was great, went to the 6am class and was surprised to see a new face! Andrea has been teaching boot camp for awhile now but for some reason I haven't been to one of her classes yet.

It was great to shake it up - she has a different boot camp style and it keeps you on your toes. Again - every time I go to boot camp it is different from the last class and that really helps with my fitness ADD.

The picture above was not from today's class (and oldie from when Andrea participated in one of Aimee's class) but yup - that's her (the blonde one - who is no longer blonde lol). She's awesome, so whether you get Aimee or Andrea you can be sure that you're going to get a great workout!!!!

Oh right, I almost forgot. I'm done the detox so I can have coffee now - so I did. A large Americano with a bit of milk (not cream and trying to switch to black). BIG MISTAKE.. holy cow that must be what speed is like. My heart was racing, I was thinking a mile a minute. I literally had to go run circles outside because there was just too much energy. It also took me a longer amount of time to go to sleep last night.

I'm so sad - I love coffee! But I really don't want to feel like that every day. I used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day and thought I felt fine. But I also used to have a lot of anxiety, was super tired every morning, had trouble sleeping and was irritable. So if you have any of the problems I described I do recommend going without coffee and also alcohol (because if you drink too much then you are still going to be tired in the morning lol) for 2 weeks to see if you notice a change.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 11 - New Meal Plan!

Sunday was great it was another day off from exercising for me but I kept moving all day and got a lot accomplished. I was excited to go to the grocery store and buy everything I needed for the meal plan this week! Aimee has created meal plans that are interesting, delicious and easy to prepare. She also has everything you needed on a grocery list - all ready to take to the store. If you'd like to learn more about the meal plans you can contact her at info@cross-train.ca she also has meal plans for those with an intolerance and can customize a meal plan for you!

Today is Monday and I went to the 9am boot camp, as always it was great. It was really busy today but you really didn't notice it when we were at our stations. Even with lots of people - Aimee can still organize a really great workout!

I decided to prepare some of the foods I need for the week. I read a tip in Oxygen magazine that suggested preparing your proteins for the week all at one time. That way if you need to grab some chicken for a salad all you have to do is chop it up. My lunch is packed for tomorrow and I am feeling organized for the week!

OH and I stepped on the scale today - down to 204 lbs!!! That's a total of 13 lbs that I lost on the 2 week detox. I'm amazed and I think I'm going to surpass my goal of 20lbs by the end of this 30 day challenge - however I have to keep telling myself not to expect big numbers each week because soon I should only be losing 1-2 lbs a week.


Day 10 - Sweaty Saturdays!

Headed off to 9am boot camp today for a butt kicking! This week has seemed a lot 'easier' than last week and I sort of feel like I'm not working as hard as I can. So today I gave it my all in class and it felt great! The sprints around the building are getting easier - and if I really push myself and my breathing is really heavy - I am finding that my recovery time is a lot quicker. I'm learning that I can push myself towards the max and still have energy to carry on!

We decided to float the Penticton Channel this afternoon, that was lots of fun - it was nice and warm and I got a lot of swimming in so I got even more exercise today! We packed a cooler full of good clean treats like cherries, peaches, goji berries and carrots. Didn't eat all of it but at least it was there in case we got hungry.

Only 1 more day until I'm done the detox!!


Day 9 - Finding new activites

Friday, day 9! Detox is going good, haven't cheated and feeling fine!

There is no boot camp on Friday so I decided to go to the YMCA and try their Spin/TRX class. It was great - I've tried Spinning before (a few years ago) and was kind of nervous to try it again - just because it's not something I'm that familiar with. However the trainer was great she encouraged pushing as hard as you can or can't so that's what I did. The nice thing is that you really can't tell how high the person next to you has their resistance... so you can work as hard as you can without feeling like you're not as good as the other person.

TRX is a challenge - but we do use these at boot camp so I did have a bit of experience with them. Instead of using weights - you use your body weight and gravity as resistance. There are lots of moves you can do with the bands and it's awesome!!!

I read an article by the Tone it Up girls today that asked - When do You Slip Up? If you slip up on your healthy eating and exercise every Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month - well that's almost half the month! I love the Eat Clean principle - it's not a diet, it's a way of life. The more you Eat Clean, the more you want to - and it makes junk food a lot less appealing.

Keep up the good work!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 8 - Tired on Thursday

This morning was a bit of a struggle to get out of bed, I knew I was going to do it but I was just taking my time - OK?! My husband asked "Are you not going to boot camp?" and I responded with a hissy "YESSS!" oh boy, I’m not a morning person.

However, this whole process has really helped with my energy levels. Even though it still may take a few minutes to get out of bed (as opposed to leaping out of bed as soon as my alarm goes off with a smile on my face and the sun shining from you know where…) I know that I am going to get out of bed and workout - and I'm ok with that. Where as before - if I had to get out of bed early in the morning I would think of every excuse in the book as to why I should let myself sleep 'just a bit' longer. I’m not positive but I don't think I went to a single 6am class before - because I would also tell myself sleeping longer is better for my health than going to workout.

If my story sounds like yours - quit kidding yourself and just do it. Start the detox, start working out and just see the change that will happen!

Yes - I did go to boot camp at 6am this morning and it was great. I think it was a A$$ & ABS day because that's what I'm feeling now! I love how every time I go to the boot camp it is something different. We never do the same routine and that is what cross-training is all about!

Last night was our TRANSFORMATION PARTY and it was awesome! The top 3 contestants - Rebecca, Jen & Veronica all had great transformations! They really are an inspiration - if seeing is believing for you, then take a look at their before and after photos on www.facebook.com/CrossTrainFitness

If you would like to participate in the next transformation - it will be starting on September 15th. You have the chance to not only make an amazing transformation but also to win some great prizes! Rebecca won a $500 cash prize, 2 bottles of FANTASTIC wine from Bounty Cellars (with Swarovski crystals on the bottle!) and a hair makeover from Loyal Hair Therapy! For more info contact: info@cross-train.ca


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 7 - Temptation Tuesdays

Tuesday was really hard for me for some reason. First of all I wanted to go to the 9am class but then slept in until 8:30am and couldn't get out the door in time! I ended up going to the 3:45pm class which as fine and actually maybe even a bit better. For some reason there was only 3 of us so Aimee was able to pick on us a bit more - which IS good because then I can't slack off :)

And as for food - I was craving all kinds of things. OK, someone mentioned Pumpkin Spice Latte's on twitter and I would like to know who it was so I can kick them in the butt because that is all that I have been craving - EVERY DAY..... BAH

Nope I didn't give in to the cravings - I did very well and at the end of the night I treated myself with air-popped popcorn with a bit of olive oil (instead of butter) - which is on the detox diet list!

Next week I'm starting the meals plans and I am getting excited - I think my husband is too because right now he's complaining that I'm making him eat too much healthy food lol.

No boot camp on Wednesday because of the party (and I work during the morning classes) so it will be my rest day!

Come out to the party if you can and support the transformation challenge winners - in just 8 weeks there have been some really great transformations!!!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 6 - Mud & Monday Morning

Sunday was a rest day - I went to work but other than that I didn't do ANYTHING so that was a nice break :) I think we have to let our muscles rest so they can build. Actually I walked to Choices but that doesn't really count - and found this product called Redmond Clay. It was pretty cheap and in the detox/cleansing section so I though I would check I out. After looking online I learned that you can use it as a face mask, detox bath, on cuts, bruises, burns, acne and more. You can also take it internally! I tried drinking it - very strange taste, kind of like milk and then kind of like dirt lol. I also had a bath in it and did a face mask - my own muddy spa evening!

It's important to have people supporting you when you are detoxing. We go to dinner Sunday nights at my in-laws house and they always make us a great meal! They heard from my husband that I was on this restricted diet so they made me a special meal just for me, and didn't offer dessert! That makes it easy for me because I don't have to fight the temptation!

This morning the alarm went off at 5:20am and I hit snooze a few times but then finally got out of bed and went to bootcamp. It was nice and cool out so that was good - doing sprints around the building are starting to become a relief - time to cool down.

Rebecca had suggested that she wants to kick something so the class ended up being kickboxing which is always a challenge but lots of fun. In the studio there is a punching bag, boxing gloves and pads and more - so Aimee can always put together a kick-@$$ workout.

Today is day 7 of my detox so I stepped on the scale. I started at 217lbs and I
am now 208 (9lbs in 1 week!). I was expecting maybe 2lbs the first week - but 9
works ;) Aimee said a lot of it is water weight that comes off right away when
you do a detox like this and that it's important to lose that so that you can
start losing fat (hope I got that right)! Well whatever it is - I'm happy with
that! I don't expect to lose the same amount this week but I will be happy with
1 or 2 lbs of fat.

We did take before pictures last week so hopefully I will have some for you shortly!!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 5 - Sweaty Saturdays!

Friday was a day off from bootcamp as we don't have Friday classes right now (should be back in the fall!).

SATURDAY WORKOUTS are da bomb! If you want a challenge - then come out and try one of these drop-in classes. Aimee has kept this class as drop-in only for those that can't commit to a membership. This class is only $10 and is worth it. Today I think we ended up with a 1.5 hour class after stretching, etc. What a great way to start your weekend!

Also if you don't want to do a membership then you can purchase a punch pass. If you already have a membership somewhere else - get the punch pass then you can throw a few bootcamp workouts in... I bet you will see a big difference!

Back to the workout - we had ANOTHER killer warm-up consisting of 200 mountain climbers (officially my nemesis), burpees, 300 skips, pushups, star bursts, sprinting and more... Aimee times this event so that you can see how you are improving. Today I gave it my all and did really well so that makes me happy. I can see places where I need to improve (like doing a full pushup on burpees instead of a wimpy little bop) but overall I can definitely see an improvement.

When I first went to bootcamp I could barely do anything. I think I went
to one and then couldn't sit on a toilet for 5 days without my legs crying out
in objection... sooo glad those days are over. I can still feel my muscles the next day but it isn't nearly as bad - and now I actually like the feeling because I know that I had a good workout.

I think a lot of people might get discouraged when you first start bootcamp - because it is high intensity and I don't think it's something that we would be able to do at a gym on our own. So from experience - if you feel like you're going to die after trying bootcamp - you won't. And doesn't that just show you how bad of shape you are in? Don't get discouraged, everyone experiences the same thing and it WILL get better :)



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 4 - Just Keep Going...

(this post is late!)

Last night we had some crazy weather here in the 'sunny' Okanagan! Check out www.castanet.net for more stories - there was flooding, fires, power outages and more. I live in Rutland and some of the thunder we got shook the whole house, it was insane!

For whatever reason I couldn't get to sleep last night and then I was woken up early this morning so I got about 4 hours of sleep maybe - and I am a person that likes 7-8 hours. So today is my test of will against good ol' coffee. I would really like some coffee right now! Instead I am sipping on caffeine-free herbal tea. I need to find out what other types of things I could have that don't have caffeine but can energize you. Let me know if you know of anything!

Went to the 3:45pm bootcamp - and I was so tired that it ended up just being the worst workout all week. The workout itself was fine - but I just couldn't DO ANYTHING! I think I need the morning classes....

Went to slo-pitch after the workout, we lost but it was a fun game. Had to have dinner at the park so I ordered a chicken breast (no coating) and veggies (no dip)... yum... lol... can't wait until I can have a bit of dip!

Overall today was kind of a testing day for me but I am proud that I stuck to the detox! Whenever I think about cheating or skipping out on exercise I try to think about how I will feel after - like crap! So I'd rather stick to it and finish it properly than look back and be disappointed :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 3 - Food Dilemas and Warm Workouts

Today my work schedule has changed so I was at work by 6am this morning. I quickly through together my lunch (instead of making it the night before like I should have) - so I didn't actually pack enough food. It's only 11am but I was getting super hungry so I went downstairs to the cafe to see if they had anything that was detox friendly. I ended up grabbing some sushi (Spicy Tuna Roll) made with white rice. They didn't have any with brown rice! White rice is in the 20% column of what to eat during the detox so I guess it is ok. But I know they use a bit of Mayo and such for the rolls so that's not so good. So not feeling 100% about that choice but it was good! Lesson for the day - make sure to pack a good lunch!

Today I went to the 3:45pm bootcamp... and we did legs! I was so happy not to do arms :) We did another brutal warm up (consisting of 11 minutes of lunges, burpees, sprinting, mountain climbers and more burpees).

After the warm up the circuit consisted of more lunges, step-ups (with a hop at the top), wall squats, TRX lunges, sled pulls, bosu ball hop-squats and more. Not sure what it was but I think it was the most I've sweat at a class yet! I was really enjoying it though which usually I'm counting down the minutes until it is over - so that was a good change!

A lot of the people who come to bootcamp participate in the Transformation Challenge. Check out Aimee's Facebook page www.facebook.com/CrossTrainFitness to see some of the contestants who have participated and how you can join the next one! If you are someone who needs incentive to get moving - how does a $500 prize sound? (Plus more prizes!)


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2 - Brutal Burpees

This morning's bootcamp was good - but so sweaty! We were inside and doing arms (again?).. it's good that we're working our arms because every exercise is BRUTAL right now. I don't think my body knew it had triceps.

We did a 'warm-up' of burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, sprinting - and more. Then we moved onto the circuit which consisted of free weights, TRX, more burpees, more sprinting and ... lots more. I think that my mind must go into workout mode of something because I'm finding it really hard to remember everything we did! Whatever it was - it was intense!

In regards to the detox - so far so good! Yesterday around 6pm I was super Hangry - but when I got home my wonderful husband had prepared a healthy clean meal of chicken, salad & veggies - so the beast was tamed!

Brought some more veggies & fruit to work today so I'm hoping that I won't get hangry again until I'm home for dinner!

Sooo anyone else following along with the Detox?!?!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 1 - The Beginning of the End (of an unhealthy lifestyle!)


Yay! Day 1 of my 30 day fitness challenge and today I'm feeling excited to start (I'll have to remember to read this on those days that I am not so excited).

After a healthy & clean breakfast I got ready and biked to 9am bootcamp. Right from the start Aimee had us working up a sweat. We were outside (which was a nice surprise!) and it made me realise that working out in the morning is so much better than in the heat of the afternoon.

Aimee mixes in cardio throughout the whole exercise so I it's always intense. You get a great workout for your muscles and also for cardio!

On my lunch break I went for a quick jog mostly beccause the air conditioning in my office is cranked so I had to warm up. Did you know that Parkinson has outdoor workout equipment?!?! A lot of the exercises were kind of easy but I think it's going to be good as there are a few stretching machines and that will be a nice opposite to bootcamp.


I'm HANGRY! Someone get me some food nowwww... asked Aimee if we're allowed air-popped popcorn on the detox and she said no. Not liking her so much right now. We'll see how I feel in the morning at 9AM bootcamp :( What was that I was saying about being excited for this 30 day challenge? LOL

Don't worry - won't give up but don't ask me to be happy about it 24/7!




My name is Candace and I am participating in the 30 Day Fitness Challenge! This challenge is called the 30 day challenge because I will be going to bootcamp 5 days a week for a total of 30 days. September 19th will be my last day!

Here's what I will be doing:

- Going to bootcamp 5 days a week
- Following Aimee's Detox plan for 14 days
- Following Aimee's Meal Plans for the remaining days!

My goal is that by following the detox plan for 14 days I will break some bad eating habits and start to crave good foods! I've heard that the 1st 2 weeks are the hardest and most challenging so I'm glad Aimee is there to help keep my motivated!

If you would like to follow along with my challenge you can purchase the detox & meals plans from Aimee. Just send her an email akootnikoff@cross-train.ca for more information.

As you may have seen - Chantelle lost 22 lbs during this 30 day challenge so I am aiming for 20 lbs (in 42 days) which is 2 lbs a week and I think this is a healthy & safe goal!

Not only will eating right help me to drop the pounds - but so will exercising. Aimee does a great job at motivating you and kicking your butt! If you haven't already tried the bootcamp then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! Come by - say that I sent you and try a free class. If you don't love that then Aimee also does personal training - no excuses!!!

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment!

